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Christmas Round Up


We had a fabulously successful Christmas Fayre this year on the 1st of December, which was organised by Amy Haines.

From this event we managed to raise a staggering £882.00.


Here at Playgroup we just wanted to say a huge thank you to all the helpers that were there on the day helping set up the hall, sell raffle tickets, man the stalls, make the teas and coffees and clear up after the event.

Also we would like to thank the wonderfully generous local businesses who donated prizes, mince pies and  printing services to name a few and Seend Social Centre for allowing the use of the hall.

We really are so humbled by all the help and support we had.


To end the term we had our Christmas Party and Nativity, which we also held a raffle at and raised another £109.00 for Playgroup.

The children were then treated to a visit from Father Christmas and a story followed by some delicious party food and fun and games!


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